Wednesday 29 April 2015

Question 2: How Effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

During the process of making our music video we always wanted supporting ideas and themes in our ancillary texts such as the album covers. From looking at stuff around the indie rock genre there was a recurring theme of vintage looking album covers and polaroids so we only felt it would be true to the genre to incorporate these themes.

I was very pleased with the end product for our album cover. After looking at what has featured on professional indie rock album covers we feel like it sits at home, not only with the themes but also the styles.

During the creation of the poster we feel like we were limited with our choice of images as it was only when producing the ancillary texts did we look more in depth into what we were producing and if given the chance to do this again we would have done this differently. The idea I got was from Bob Dylan's "Freewheelin'". We feel that while we have created something similar it is also the opposite for example instead of an urban setting we are in a rural setting.

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