Friday 17 April 2015

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For our media product we wanted to try and fit the indie genre, we thought this was a fitting genre as our music we had chosen was made by a local artist and felt his music didn't really fit into one of the mainstream category's.

We wanted to stick as close to how people interpret the indie genre, but this was always going to be difficult because different people would have different views on this genre. Indie is an easy genre because it always differs from what people would think is normal and so people can be creative with there videos, but the theorist Stewart hall has said that meanings and  conventions within a text might have a preferred reading from the people who created the text, but an audience might have an opposite interpretation from the same text. This can be used to back up my argument on different peoples opinions on the genre may not fit into how we thought the genre should be interpreted

Our idea for our music video was for there to be an eliminate of repetition. The beginning of film shows the two characters walking together but is still blurred, and at the end of film we see the characters again but it becomes clear. We wanted to stick to the convention of repetition in our music video but with our twist.

Another convention is that the music should reflect the editing style. Our editing style has not reflected to much to this convention, but the music does contain moment of when the speed and the emotion of the song changes and with this we adjusted our editing to fit this. At points we see the editing and the clips being long and more happening in the clips. We wanted to show emotion of the characters and get a homemade movie feel for when the characters are happy. When the beat changed, we matched the speed of the music to our editing and the audience should notice this.

We wanted our product to be a narrative story rather then a performance, but during a narrative has to have some element of a performance or seeing the artist perform part of the music video. We made sure this was included into our music video to stick to conventions with short clips of oscar playing in the studio.

Rob & Kieran

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