Monday 11 May 2015

The Final Film

Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

From what our audience has told us it is clear that our product was largely a success from the view that we have created a music video of an indie genre. It was also clear that while largely successful the video had some aspects which viewers did not fully get but this is understandable considering several viewers were not totally familiar with the genre itself.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the project we used a variety of different tools and equipment to help us create and complete our media project. When we started we needed a platform to post updates and keep people up to date with out project and found that Blogger (which you should be reading this on) was the best tool for the job. Blogger was easy to use for us and easy for the reader to view our blog and see what we did on different periods as it is chronologically ordered and it showed our progress really well. 

Another piece and most useful equipment was our camera, we used a cannon 550D and 600D to record the films we created. We used two different cameras as the 600D has an articulated monitor, which allowed us to create the footstep shots (which we didn't use) by turning the camera upside down and then flip the screen so we could see what was happening on screen, The footage would be flipped in post production.

To put all our films together we a couple of different of programs. The main program we used was Premiere Pro CS5.5 to cut and put together all of the clips and to render out all of the finished films. We did however try and make the project with Final Cut Pro, this didn't go well, Our first attempt ended up being lost as moving it between home and school. Luckily we didn't have much done and went and did it again on Final Cut. This Was a bad idea. When we stopped before Christmas we saved out work on a number of different devices to make sure we didn't lose any work, this wasn't the case, our attempt failed when we didn't save the clips for the project onto the same folder and then this corrupted the Final cut file. After that we decided to use Premiere Pro, this was an easy program to use and found moving everything into the right place was easy, we didn't have any problems with this program! For some of the shots with Oscar playing the guitar we decided to use a green as the background so that we can do more effects and change the background to fit the mood of song. To do this we used Adobe After Effects to change the green screen. We didn't have a clue on how to do this so we spent a couple hours messing around with it and also watching lost of Video Co-pilot videos.

For the evaluation we wanted to use a few different media presenting platforms to show off the skills we have learnt over the last couple of years doing media studies. We made a Prezi as we like how it differed from the standard Microsoft PowerPoint slide shows because Prezi is more artistic and can have some fun effects instead of being all serious and more to the point with PowerPoint. We also used the cameras to produce an audience feedback video and also to answer a couple of the questions. By us speaking to the camera we wanted the audience to feel like we are talking to them like an interview.

Media Technologies has played a massive part in our project and without them we wouldn't of been able to create the work we have. Over the year we have used and learnt how to use more programs such as Final Cut and got more of an in-depth knowledge of how to use programs that are not regular available to use such as Premiere pro, aftereffect and also Photoshop.

Question 2: How Effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

During the process of making our music video we always wanted supporting ideas and themes in our ancillary texts such as the album covers. From looking at stuff around the indie rock genre there was a recurring theme of vintage looking album covers and polaroids so we only felt it would be true to the genre to incorporate these themes.

I was very pleased with the end product for our album cover. After looking at what has featured on professional indie rock album covers we feel like it sits at home, not only with the themes but also the styles.

During the creation of the poster we feel like we were limited with our choice of images as it was only when producing the ancillary texts did we look more in depth into what we were producing and if given the chance to do this again we would have done this differently. The idea I got was from Bob Dylan's "Freewheelin'". We feel that while we have created something similar it is also the opposite for example instead of an urban setting we are in a rural setting.

Friday 17 April 2015

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For our media product we wanted to try and fit the indie genre, we thought this was a fitting genre as our music we had chosen was made by a local artist and felt his music didn't really fit into one of the mainstream category's.

We wanted to stick as close to how people interpret the indie genre, but this was always going to be difficult because different people would have different views on this genre. Indie is an easy genre because it always differs from what people would think is normal and so people can be creative with there videos, but the theorist Stewart hall has said that meanings and  conventions within a text might have a preferred reading from the people who created the text, but an audience might have an opposite interpretation from the same text. This can be used to back up my argument on different peoples opinions on the genre may not fit into how we thought the genre should be interpreted

Our idea for our music video was for there to be an eliminate of repetition. The beginning of film shows the two characters walking together but is still blurred, and at the end of film we see the characters again but it becomes clear. We wanted to stick to the convention of repetition in our music video but with our twist.

Another convention is that the music should reflect the editing style. Our editing style has not reflected to much to this convention, but the music does contain moment of when the speed and the emotion of the song changes and with this we adjusted our editing to fit this. At points we see the editing and the clips being long and more happening in the clips. We wanted to show emotion of the characters and get a homemade movie feel for when the characters are happy. When the beat changed, we matched the speed of the music to our editing and the audience should notice this.

We wanted our product to be a narrative story rather then a performance, but during a narrative has to have some element of a performance or seeing the artist perform part of the music video. We made sure this was included into our music video to stick to conventions with short clips of oscar playing in the studio.

Rob & Kieran

Thursday 26 March 2015

The Album Covers

So here is what we decided to go with for our album covers.






We are so close to being finished. We are just completing the last evaluation question and sticking together the album. The film will be uploaded soon we are just polishing it to make it sure it is the best it can be!

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Da Film Has, um ?

After coming back to the project with the edited film we come back to see this. most of the clips has seems to have been moved around which has cause premiere to get confused and lose the content. we are now racing against the time to get this finished but this is defiantly a set back. 
This is very sad times

Kieran and Robert

Tuesday 3 March 2015

We are back babyyy

Wasson WebWobs,

We have had some time off to reflect over the exam paper and put this project on pause for a while, but now we are back. Coming back to the project file on the computer has put us in a bad place. It seems all of the clips were moved and it has affected the premiere pro editing version which means we have to start again :(. its ok tho we have a couple of long days and nights on this and we are nearly back on track. We have decided our best chance of completing the project is for one of us to finish the editing and the other to start the print media part. Once the film is finished then we will both do the print media and then the evaluation.

Kieran and Robert