Monday 15 September 2014

Time has gone by!

So time has gone on a bit since the last post.
Last time we said we were going to put 2 videos up on the blog.... and we didn't. We finished school for the year and had 6 weeks off. So we didn't have access to get the films of the computer and forgot to do so before we left because we are incompetent. Over the holiday we finished off the writing down what was going to happen and have finished the story board. So we are at the stage of filming now! We have a couple of locations we are going to use but we have a short amount of time, due to us being aloud time off work and we have things we have to work around but it will be done! So we are starting to film now and we promise to put the videos up in the next couple of weeks!
 luv ya papi's

Kieran and Robert

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