Wednesday 5 November 2014

Finishing close we are!


We are so close to finishing!;) we have filmed all of the film now apart from 20 seconds which is actually important to the story of the film otherwise it doesn't make sense at all. so now we are going to film that next week somewhen and then it will be done ! the problem we are having is deciding on what to do for the background of our green screen?

Monday 3 November 2014



So its just after half term and we have now finished filming the majority of film and now only need about 20 seconds worth of clips, this may sound easy but no. We are having issues with the fact that someone keeps forgetting their memory stick with all the clips on it (cough cough rob) so now we are rushing to get things done, and obviously we are running into problems that take a lot of time to sort out  such as the green screen as because we don't know what we want to do with it. so yayayy to problems but here is a picture of a cat until next time


Kieran and Robert xx

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Stress Levels are High

Were getting close to the deadline (friday) and there is still so much work to do. With our actors often unable to show up to set finding time to film is getting increasingly harder. We have a couple plans to get around this including filming over half term if we can get an extension. The delay in filming has been frustrating but we are working around it!
Kieran & Rob x

Friday 17 October 2014

Hey WebWobs,
Were planning to film on Monday and this time hopefully Oscar turns up. Were going to weymouth beach and then will try and re-film the green screen parts with brighter lighting. Due to drama exams at the moment it is quite hard to film using a proper studio.

Rob & Kieran

Monday 13 October 2014

Still editing!

basically we in the process of editing the film together, we have all the clips that we need from the studio, and they are all correct, third time lucky! Now (13/10/2014) we are going to be filming our second location tomorrow at weymouth beach! so we will keep you posted!
we have also changed our editing program to final cut due to the fact that we are idiots and have no time to waste and this is the only program we have at home... unless a certain teacher wants to give us premiere pro?? ;) (cough cough Mr Lunn) 

byeeeee, Kieran and Roberts mac book pro

Thursday 9 October 2014

Should be Filming Today

So we should be filming part of our video this evening at Stourhead. Its a nice location with lots of views and nature so we thought it would be appropriate for romantic scenes. Here are some pictures of the location from the website:

The website link for our location is:

Wednesday 8 October 2014



Unfortunately we are having a few problems with the video. One problem is that our driver who was going to transport us, our equipment and our actors crashed her car delaying us a few days pushing the production date further back. A second issue is that the filming we have done so far is out of sync requiring us to book a drama studio for another day and redo all the work we have done so far. This is quite difficult due to the use of the room by other subjects. Our last problem is that the weather at the moment is particularly stormy making it hard to find a date to film. We were going to film on Monday but we were experiencing storms and rain meaning we could not film the idea we have.

However there is some good news, we are planning to film our music videos out of studio shots this thursday if the weather is fine. We have also started playing around with photoshop and are currently finding ideas for our album cover.

Rob x


Here is the storyboard for our music video. Please don't laugh at our drawings, we don't take art :)
Rob & Kieran x

Friday 3 October 2014

Editing.. still and also still filming :/


so we have started editing the clips and cutting it down into size and to see what we can actually use.
we have about a minute worth of clips recorded clips but we still need to go and film at stourhead and somewhere near a beach ! and we only 2 weeks left ;___(

Thursday 25 September 2014

The Long awaited video

Here is the video with Oscar With him giving us permission for the song! also we went a bit weird when we edited this and well you can watch for yourself ://
Kieran and Rob


Well we have finally started filming !

We have started filming the studio scenes which will be used in the main chorus and the end. We have had a few problems and noticed that some of the shots have a lot of light in them, which is not what we wanted because it doesn't give the right impression of a sad and emotional event. So we may film the scenes again or we will try do some editing magic to get it looking tip top!
Peace, love, rubber gloves
Kieran and Rob

Monday 15 September 2014

Time has gone by!

So time has gone on a bit since the last post.
Last time we said we were going to put 2 videos up on the blog.... and we didn't. We finished school for the year and had 6 weeks off. So we didn't have access to get the films of the computer and forgot to do so before we left because we are incompetent. Over the holiday we finished off the writing down what was going to happen and have finished the story board. So we are at the stage of filming now! We have a couple of locations we are going to use but we have a short amount of time, due to us being aloud time off work and we have things we have to work around but it will be done! So we are starting to film now and we promise to put the videos up in the next couple of weeks!
 luv ya papi's

Kieran and Robert

Friday 11 July 2014

Video killed the radio star

Wag wan peoples,
So currently we are in the process of making a couple of extra videos, one of which is an interview from the creator of the song Breeze by Oscar Alexander. We filmed a short interview with him asking him about his music and a few other questions. IT GOT REAL! The other video is a behind the camera episode were we just record what we are doing just to show you how things get done... or not.

Kieran and Robert xxx

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Music Ideas!

So we need to start thinking about possible music tracks for our music video. We both have some ideas but we can't decided on what to do.representation of ethnicity

This first song is by Pro Era and Joey Badass and is called school high and this was suggested by Robert, We decided not to do this song because of the genre of the music which is urban/rap music. Only Robert knows about this sort of genre and I don't, which means that I would be a unhelpful for the making of the storyboard for the video, Also we live in a North Dorset and the locations around us wouldn't be suitable for this genre. We also feel we wouldn't be able to represent the ethnicity stereotype for Urban/Rap music
bombay bicycle club - always like this

Oscar Alexander - Breeze

These are the other too songs we could potentially do. The first song is by Bombay Bicycle Club and called "Always like this" and the other song is by a local artist Oscar Alexander. These songs would be good to use because a we both instantly got ideas on what content to put into the music videos. We like the idea of using Oscar because he is local and being able to have the artist we will be able to get his interpretation of what he wants in the music video. Also we will be able to use him in the music video

Kieran and Robert

Andrew Goodwin & his Theories

Andrew Goodwin’s Music Theory From “Dancing in the Distraction Factory” (1992) and how it has Changed

In 1992 Andrew Goodwin came up with a theory about the forms and conventions of music videos. The characteristics of these were:

1.    Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics e.g. rock videos being made up of stage performance and girl bands having dance routines.
2.    There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals.
3.    There is a relationship between music and visuals.
4.    There is a frequent reference to voyeurism, especially with objectification of the female body.
5.    There is often inter-textual reference (often to film, TV, children’s stories etc.)

Over the years this has gradually changed with artists becoming more experimental with their videos and the conventions of them but largely this has stayed the same.

One example of breaking the gender stereotype is Jennifer Lopez song “I Luh ya Papi” ( which while sticking largely to the forms and conventions of a hip-hop video while the voyeurism is largely sexually objectifying the male figure whereas usually this would be the female being objectified.

Another good example, which breaks Andrew Goodwin’s theory, is the video for the Chemical Brothers song “Star Guitar”. ( During the video the artist does not appear and there is no clear story. The video features timed scenery in the foreground and background to go with the beat of the song. In Goodwin’s theory he believes that there should be an artist represented or a narrative story.

The song  “feels like we only go Backwards” by Tame Impala ( also breaks Andrew Goodwin’s theory in a very similar way to the chemical brothers. The song does not feature the artist and is done in one scene where visuals are placed to fit with the music. The lack of staged performance especially breaks convention due to the genre of the song.

While much has changed in music videos they largely stay true to Goodwin’s forms and conventions. Music videos of today are becoming more experimental featuring different themes such as the sexuality of men rather than women.

by Robert Rickers & Kieran Webber

Thursday 26 June 2014

Preliminary MGMT Electric Feel

This is our preliminary work. We had to create a piece that we could practice lips syncing. We want a couple of different shots in this piece of work to experiment with, and also we have decided to put a couple of clips of us dancing!

Robert and Kieran

The First Post!

Hello everybody.
Our names our Kieran Webber and Robert Rickers and we our currently taking Media A2. We have been tasked to create a blog with all our research and planning of a music video and a print media CD cover. We our currently working on filming and editing a 1 minute preliminary of MGMT's "Electric Feel" and we are also looking for possible tracks which we already have several ideas for.

Robert and Kieran