Wednesday 22 October 2014

Stress Levels are High

Were getting close to the deadline (friday) and there is still so much work to do. With our actors often unable to show up to set finding time to film is getting increasingly harder. We have a couple plans to get around this including filming over half term if we can get an extension. The delay in filming has been frustrating but we are working around it!
Kieran & Rob x

Friday 17 October 2014

Hey WebWobs,
Were planning to film on Monday and this time hopefully Oscar turns up. Were going to weymouth beach and then will try and re-film the green screen parts with brighter lighting. Due to drama exams at the moment it is quite hard to film using a proper studio.

Rob & Kieran

Monday 13 October 2014

Still editing!

basically we in the process of editing the film together, we have all the clips that we need from the studio, and they are all correct, third time lucky! Now (13/10/2014) we are going to be filming our second location tomorrow at weymouth beach! so we will keep you posted!
we have also changed our editing program to final cut due to the fact that we are idiots and have no time to waste and this is the only program we have at home... unless a certain teacher wants to give us premiere pro?? ;) (cough cough Mr Lunn) 

byeeeee, Kieran and Roberts mac book pro

Thursday 9 October 2014

Should be Filming Today

So we should be filming part of our video this evening at Stourhead. Its a nice location with lots of views and nature so we thought it would be appropriate for romantic scenes. Here are some pictures of the location from the website:

The website link for our location is:

Wednesday 8 October 2014



Unfortunately we are having a few problems with the video. One problem is that our driver who was going to transport us, our equipment and our actors crashed her car delaying us a few days pushing the production date further back. A second issue is that the filming we have done so far is out of sync requiring us to book a drama studio for another day and redo all the work we have done so far. This is quite difficult due to the use of the room by other subjects. Our last problem is that the weather at the moment is particularly stormy making it hard to find a date to film. We were going to film on Monday but we were experiencing storms and rain meaning we could not film the idea we have.

However there is some good news, we are planning to film our music videos out of studio shots this thursday if the weather is fine. We have also started playing around with photoshop and are currently finding ideas for our album cover.

Rob x


Here is the storyboard for our music video. Please don't laugh at our drawings, we don't take art :)
Rob & Kieran x

Friday 3 October 2014

Editing.. still and also still filming :/


so we have started editing the clips and cutting it down into size and to see what we can actually use.
we have about a minute worth of clips recorded clips but we still need to go and film at stourhead and somewhere near a beach ! and we only 2 weeks left ;___(